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Materace z Gór (103)
Component basic
Coconut mat (1)
HR - highly flexible foam (4)
Kokos (1)
Latex (3)
Massaging HR foam (6)
Seagrass mat (1)
Visco Memory - thermoplastic foam (7)
Coconut mat + HR zone massage (15)
Coconut mat + Latex (2)
Coconut mat + Latex Memory + HR zone massage (1)
Coconut mat + Visco Memory + HR zone massage (2)
Coconut mat + Visco Memory + Latex (1)
Coconut mat+ Visco Memory (7)
HR + HR zone massage (2)
Latex + HR (3)
Latex + HR zone massage (6)
Seagrass mat + HR zone massage (13)
Seagrass mat + Latex (2)
Seagrass mat + Latex + HR zone massage (1)
Seagrass mat + Visco Memory (3)
Visco Memory - thermoplastic foam (1)
Visco Memory + HR (5)
Visco Memory + HR zone massage (7)
Visco Memory + Latex (6)
H2/H3 - medium soft / medium hard (1)
H2/H3 - medium soft/medium hard (8)
H2/H3 - średnio miękki/średnio twardy (1)
H3 medium hard (14)
H3 medium soft (1)
H3/H4 - medium hard/hard (58)
H3/H4 - medium hard/harda (1)
H4 hard (5)
H4/H5 - hard (3)
H4/H5 - hard/very hard (11)
40x90 (2)
60X120 (229)
60x130 (225)
60x140 (223)
60x150 (47)
60x160 (223)
60x170 (225)
60x180 (225)
60x190 (225)
60x200 (229)
70x120 (218)
70X120 (22)
70x130 (227)
70X140 (34)
70x140 (199)
70x150 (33)
70x160 (225)
70x170 (217)
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70x190 (229)
70X200 (229)
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80X160 (229)
80x170 (150)
80x170 (75)
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80X200 (229)
80x220 (225)
90x120 (222)
90x130 (222)
90x140 (222)
90X160 (229)
90x170 (92)
90x170 (109)
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90X200 (229)
90x220 (225)
100X160 (229)
100x170 (211)
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100x220 (217)
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110x170 (229)
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120x170 (166)
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150x190 (229)
150X200 (39)
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160X160 (223)
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160X190 (229)
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170x160 (109)
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200x220 (8)
8 (2)
9 (24)
10 (48)
10 (2)
11 (38)
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12 (13)
13 (14)
14 (6)
14 (51)
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15 (65)
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19 (57)
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21 (38)
22 (47)
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24 (51)
24 (6)
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25 (6)
26 (35)
27 (47)
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28 (10)
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29 (12)
30 (40)
31 (10)
32 (17)
36 (2)

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H4 foam mattresses

Foam mattresses with a hardness of H4 are an excellent choice for people weighing over 100 kg and for those who prefer a stronger, more stable support during sleep. The H4 hardness means that the mattress is exceptionally firm, which provides solid support for the spine and effectively minimizes pressure on the joints. These mattresses are designed for maximum support, making them an ideal choice for people looking for a solid and comfortable solution. In the Materace z Gór store you will find a wide selection of H4 foam mattresses that will meet your expectations in terms of comfort and support.


The feeling of the hardness of the mattress depends on its height; the mattress core up to a height of 10 cm is characterized by a hard feeling of H3, above 10 cm we get the effect of stiffer foam with a hardness scale of H4.

Materace H4

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Materace z Gór (103)
Component basic
Coconut mat (1)
HR - highly flexible foam (4)
Kokos (1)
Latex (3)
Massaging HR foam (6)
Seagrass mat (1)
Visco Memory - thermoplastic foam (7)
Coconut mat + HR zone massage (15)
Coconut mat + Latex (2)
Coconut mat + Latex Memory + HR zone massage (1)
Coconut mat + Visco Memory + HR zone massage (2)
Coconut mat + Visco Memory + Latex (1)
Coconut mat+ Visco Memory (7)
HR + HR zone massage (2)
Latex + HR (3)
Latex + HR zone massage (6)
Seagrass mat + HR zone massage (13)
Seagrass mat + Latex (2)
Seagrass mat + Latex + HR zone massage (1)
Seagrass mat + Visco Memory (3)
Visco Memory - thermoplastic foam (1)
Visco Memory + HR (5)
Visco Memory + HR zone massage (7)
Visco Memory + Latex (6)
H2/H3 - medium soft / medium hard (1)
H2/H3 - medium soft/medium hard (8)
H2/H3 - średnio miękki/średnio twardy (1)
H3 medium hard (14)
H3 medium soft (1)
H3/H4 - medium hard/hard (58)
H3/H4 - medium hard/harda (1)
H4 hard (5)
H4/H5 - hard (3)
H4/H5 - hard/very hard (11)
40x90 (2)
60X120 (229)
60x130 (225)
60x140 (223)
60x150 (47)
60x160 (223)
60x170 (225)
60x180 (225)
60x190 (225)
60x200 (229)
70x120 (218)
70X120 (22)
70x130 (227)
70X140 (34)
70x140 (199)
70x150 (33)
70x160 (225)
70x170 (217)
70x180 (229)
70x190 (229)
70X200 (229)
70x220 (223)
80x120 (222)
80x130 (222)
80X140 (222)
80X160 (229)
80x170 (150)
80x170 (75)
80X180 (229)
80X190 (229)
80X200 (229)
80x220 (225)
90x120 (222)
90x130 (222)
90x140 (222)
90X160 (229)
90x170 (92)
90x170 (109)
90X180 (229)
90X190 (229)
90X200 (229)
90x220 (225)
100X160 (229)
100x170 (211)
100x180 (39)
100X180 (190)
100X190 (229)
100X200 (229)
100x220 (217)
110x160 (229)
110x170 (229)
110x180 (229)
110x190 (229)
110x200 (229)
120X160 (229)
120x170 (166)
120x170 (41)
120X180 (229)
120X190 (229)
120X200 (229)
130x160 (229)
130x170 (229)
130x180 (229)
130x190 (229)
130x200 (229)
140X160 (229)
140x170 (202)
140X180 (229)
140X190 (229)
140X200 (229)
150x160 (229)
150x170 (229)
150x180 (229)
150x190 (229)
150X200 (39)
150x200 (190)
160X160 (223)
160x170 (198)
160X180 (229)
160X190 (229)
160X200 (229)
170x160 (109)
170x170 (229)
170x180 (229)
170x190 (229)
170x200 (229)
180x160 (15)
180x180 (178)
180X190 (229)
180X200 (229)
180x220 (2)
190x200 (27)
190x210 (2)
200x200 (53)
200x220 (8)
8 (2)
9 (24)
10 (48)
10 (2)
11 (38)
12 (16)
12 (13)
13 (14)
14 (6)
14 (51)
15 (3)
15 (65)
16 (37)
17 (16)
17 (31)
18 (17)
19 (57)
20 (70)
21 (38)
22 (47)
23 (16)
24 (51)
24 (6)
25 (60)
25 (6)
26 (35)
27 (47)
28 (6)
28 (10)
29 (33)
29 (12)
30 (40)
31 (10)
32 (17)
36 (2)
hard mattress h3/h4 t35

70.12 EUR

Shipment:1-3 days

coconut mattress

81.85 EUR

Shipment:1-3 days

latex mattress

93.57 EUR

Shipment:1-3 days

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 103 products) Result Pages:  1  2  3  4  5 ... 6  [Next >>] 
Twardość materaca H4, zapewnia maksymalne wsparcie i stabilność, co jest niezbędne dla cięższych osóbMaterac utrzymuje właściwą równowagę między ciałem, a kręgosłupemzapewniając zdrowy sen i zmniejszając potencjalny dyskomfort. W naszej ofercie materacy twardych, znajdziesz modele z twardą, lub średnio twardą pianką poliuretanową, dodatkowo usztywnioną matą kokosową, czy jodowaną trawą morską. Doskonałą alternatywą jest również wysoko elastyczna pianka HR. Zastosowanie przytulnej pianki visco, wpłynie na wysoki komfort snu, a w połączeniu z twardym rdzeniem materaca, zapewni zdrowe podłoże dla Twojego kręgosłupa . 
Materace H4
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